With our results guarantee, you don’t pay until we deliver results! If we are leasing your property for you, we do all the work up front and you don’t pay until you get a qualified tenant. That means we aggressively market and show your property, screen the tenants, handle all paperwork and perform a move-in inspection...all before you pay your first dollar!
At KRS Holdings, we believe in transparency and honesty, not smoke and mirrors. That’s why we tell you our fees upfront, not hide them in small print. There’s no account set-up fees, no property reservation fees…no hidden fees period!
We will find you a qualified tenant in 3 weeks or your first months management fee is free. We will begin marketing your property within 3 business days of signing your agreement provided the property is move-in/marketing ready or you receive ½ off your leasing fee.
We guarantee any tenant we place in your property for 1 year. If we need to replace your tenant, we will do so at no charge.
We guarantee we will walk your home in 3 days or less from the move out date. If not, we will give you a 10% discount on the estimate.
We know as Property Owners how frustrating it can be when you don’t hear back from your property manager in a timely manner. That is why we guarantee that our team will call all new owners within 3 business days to schedule an introductory phone call welcoming them to KRS, reviewing the owners portal, and answering any questions. If we fail to initiate this call your first month’s management fee is free.
We guarantee that all employees receive training on Fair Housing biennially.